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NMUSBC Association


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NMUSBC was chartered May 1, 2006. The BA, WBA and the YABA merged to become a more cohesive unit dedicated to the bowlers of New Mexico regardless of age, gender or nationality. Our goal is to provide the state bowlers with the best resources to help increase league, tournament and youth bowling.

NMUSBC donates each year to charitable organizations. They include the Bowlers to Veterans Link, Bowl for the Cure (Breast Cancer research) and Prostate screening. If you have a charity that you would like the board to consider for a donation let us know. Bowlers are known for their generosity.

NMUSBC also contributes over four thousand dollars in scholarships to youth bowlers every year to include the Betty Huxtable and Lionel Jordan scholarships, in honor of two bowlers who believed in the education of our youth.

Please have your youth bowlers who are eligible fill out the Betty Huxtable and Lionel Jordan applications found on our Forms Page.